What it does


Calculates suitable increments for {{scalemarkers}}. Increments are 1, 2 or 5 times an appropriate power of 10.

Variable 1 = from; Variable 2 = to.


"{{calculate increment|10|30}}" gives "2" [1]

Problems it has


It doesn't deal with small (<10) scales yet.

How it does it


First we need to select the "base value" - i.e. what we're going to multiply by the power of 10. We use the following brackets:

14<35: 20
35-70 : 50
70->14: 10

To generate the first two digits is quite laborious. This code generates a suitably rounded number; we need to divide that by 10 n times.

1 round (2-1)}}


Then we need to select the power of 10.

0; 10